Section 1 - The name of the organization shall be SPARTANBURG AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. (Alternately known as SPARC). It shall continue in perpetuity until dissolved under the Law's of the State of South Carolina.

Section 2 - The purpose of the Corporation is to:

Section 3 - Membership in the Organization shall be in accordance with the by laws.

Section 4 - Distribution of assets upon dissolution of the Corporation will be to the Spartanburg County Foundation or an appropriate organization supported by the Foundation and agreed to by the Board of Directors of SPARC.



Section 1 - There will be a Board of Directors consisting of nine members serving three year staggered terms.

Section 2 - A Directors Ballot will be established each October by soliciting the total membership for candidates.

Section 3 - The membership will elect three Directors each year at the November annual membership meeting, election to be by ballot.

Section 4 - Following the annual meeting the Board shall meet and elect from its membership the club officers. The club officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall serve for a one year term.

Section 5 - A Majority of those Directors in office at the time shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6 - Between elections. the Board may fill vacancies by designating a member to fill the unexpired term.

Section 7 - Officers and Directors may be removed by 3/4 vote of the membership



Section 1 - OFFICERS

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and directors; shall exercise, subject to the control of the Board of Directors and the members, a general supervision over the affairs of SPARC and shall perform generally all duties incident to the office and such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in his absence or during his inability to act and shall perform other duties as assigned to him by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Members. the officers and the Board of Directors and make proper record of same: Keep books as required by the Board of Directors. And perform duties as required by the Board of Directors.
  4. The Treasurer shall have the custody or the funds and securities of SPARC and shall do with the same as ordered by the Board of Directors. When necessary or proper, endorse on behalf of SPARC for collection, checks, notes, and other obligations, deposit the funds of SPARC to its credit in banks or depositories as the Board of Directors may designate. The fiscal year of SPARC shall be the calendar year. the Treasurer shall provide the annual audit team all necessary records and assistance required to perform its duties; provide the membership an annual statement of financial condition of SPARC; provide the Board of Directors a statement of his accounts is required. He shall keep in books of SPARC a Full and accurate account of all moneys received and paid by him or SPARC. He shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
  5. The Officers as a group shall conduct General membership and Directors meetings as outlined in the By Laws. They shall continuously represent SPARC in all matters and activities authorized by the SPARC Purpose (Article 1, Section 2) and further detailed in the current Plans and Long Range Plan designated under Article 3, Section 2.
  6. Officer Limitations - All financial matters will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors: all matters committing membership participation will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.



  1. Elect the SPARC Officers for the in coming year in November.
  2. Assign functional areas of responsibility to each Director (Training, Events, RACES/ARES, Membership, Programs, ARRL, Club Station, History, Technical, Newsletter, etc.)
  3. Incoming Directors conduct the annual SPARC Financial Audit and Equipment Inventory
  4. Plan all fund raising and expenditure plans
  5. Directors Report Prior Year results and Proposed Plan for Current Year.
  6. Review and approve all SPARC expenditures.
  7. Develop, Review, Up Date Support Plans for Training, Red Cross, RACES/ARES, National Weather Service and Community Events.
  8. Establish a group of SPARC Policies that will assure consistency in administrative matters.
  9. Conduct periodic surveys of the membership for planning purposes.
  10. Develop Review and Update SPARC Long Range Plan.
  11. Review and finalize all Constitution and By Law revisions.
  12. LIMITATIONS - THE SPARC CAPITAL FUND - Income produced can be utilized with 100% agreement OF TOTAL BOD; Principal utilization requires 100% BOD and 75% membership approval.



Section 1 - The by-laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings one third (1/3) of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 2 - Robert's Rules of order shall govern all proceedings.

Section 3 - A voting member shall be any member in any membership category, who is current in his/her dues.



Section 1 - The rules for admission to and expulsion from the Club shall be governed by the By Laws.

Section 2 - All Directors of the Club must be elected from the voting membership.



Section 1 - Except for Article 3. Section 2. Item 12, the Constitution or By Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the total club voting membership provided that no amendment to the Constitution or By Laws shall be voted upon unless the proposed amendments or alterations shall have been reviewed (Section 2 Item 11) and submitted to the members at the meeting immediately prior to the meeting at which the vote shall be taken.

Section 2 -The Club is authorized to accept a set of By Laws and to adopt amendments and alterations to the By- Laws in accordance with Section 1. Article 6.



Section 1 - All official documents of the Club shall be signed by the President and shall be attested to by the secretary
Section 2 - The Secretary is authorized to procure one corporate seal, but the absence of a corporate seal on any document shall not invalidate the instrument.




  1. Membership Application shall be made to any SPARC Director.
  2. Membership Termination shall result when dues have not been paid by January 1. Grace period 1 month.
  3. Member expulsion shall occur if a member's conduct or actions is such that expulsion is in the best interest of the Club. It must be approved by 3/4 of a quorum vote, (Article IV, Section 1), at a regular or special meeting.

1.2. CATEGORIES: There shall be four categories of membership as defined below.

  1. MEMBER: This shall be for the person who participates in club activities and uses the equipment and training facilities including the club station and repeaters.
  2. FAMILY MEMBERS: This shall be the spouse or other legal dependent living in the household of a member. Dues at 1/2 member rate.
  3. STUDENT MEMBER: This shall be the full time student under the age of 21. Dues at 1/2 member rate.
  4. LIFE MEMBER: This category shall provide the opportunity for a person to make a one time payment or pledge to SPARC for Amateur Radio support at the local level and to further SPARC long range plans. Two hundred dollars may be paid at one time, or a pledge of $lO a month for 24 months. There shall be no annual dues.


2.0 DUES & FEES:

  1. A new member shall pay a monthly rate through December, to be determined by the averaged amount per month of the current dues.
  2. Former members rejoining after the grace period, but before the following membership year begins, shall be assessed the full annual dues regardless of the month he/she renews.
  3. Dues shall only be raised enough to pay the anticipated bills given the current fiscal year's membership.
  4. Dues may be raised for the following fiscal year, by a quorum vote at the business meeting following the business meeting where the motion is made and seconded.
  5. The club shall levy additional assessments by a three fourth (3/4) vote of the membership present at any regularly scheduled meeting.



  1. MEMBERSHIP BUSINESS MEETINGS: Shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at the time and location designated by the President.
  2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: may be called by the president at any time or by any five (5) voting members of the Club.
  3. SPARC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS: Shall be held at the time and place agreed by the Board.


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